Doctrinal Beliefs
Gathered by Grace Church is not affiliated with a denomination, so you might wonder what we believe. While there is not room here to fully explain these beliefs, we still thought it prudent to give at least some basic information:
We believe everything that God does is first and foremost about His glory!
We believe the scriptures are both trustworthy and authoritative for all aspects of personal and church life.
We believe God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work in conjunction to bring people to salvation according to God's eternal sovereign plans.
We believe God gives spiritual gifts through the Holy Spirit to all believers in order to aid us in serving others and glorifying Him!
We believe the church is to be led by spiritually qualified elders and exists to glorify God and equip the saints for the work of the ministry.
We believe that while many things in God's word are very clear and must be accepted as fact in order to be a follower of Jesus, there are also many things that Spirit filled believers may come to different conclusions about. We therefore respect the freedom of believers to hold various views on non-essential matters.